For some, it is the modern urban-chic, with ancestral characteristics (design), that is the attraction, while for others it is akin to pampering their gorgeous girlfriend. But for an avid adventurer, what matters most is not where one goes, rather how one gets there, especially when their association has been set with Jeep! Sitting behind the wheel of a Jeep, no distance is long enough. One such EPIC journey began from the Bangalore Palace to Buckingham Palace, covering approximately 16000 kms by a fellow Jeeper and this was a good enough reason for the Bangalore Jeep Club’s launch meet. The occasion was apt, for flagging off the journey, which seemed to fulfill a promise of joyful while discovering the unknown, in a way that only Jeep can provide. The beautiful and scenic Bangalore Palace, in Bangalore, was the venue, where the Bangalore Jeep Owners club met at the break of dawn on 8th April 2018.

Within a short time, the flow of jeeps began, driven by enthusiasts, who were accompanied by friends and family, to grace the occasion. The flagging off ceremony commenced with good wishes flowing from all directions, wishing Godspeed from God’s own country and no one know how more than an hour just passed by. The exhilaration and enthusiasm witnessed at the ceremony was overwhelming! Media bytes, drones and 100’s of cameras, whether mobile cameras or DSLR, were out capturing every moment and every expression, creating a flutter of the shutter sounds and flashes could be seen all around. It provided a sense of serenity for sure.

The convoy started its journey from the Palace, headed towards its next destination that was 90 kms on the Hyderabad highway, which was a pit stop to catch up some lip-smacking food. Memories were created even at this spot, as mothers could be seen chasing their kids with a plate of food, who were in turn running behind the ducks at the location. The sight was another reason to bring a smile to the faces of those who were present.

Some very interesting group interactions take place during meals and this time was no exception. An enthusiastic discussion ensued on the most spoken topic of Headlights, flaunting accessories, upcoming trips, especially the one that would cover Leh and Ladakh, plans for next Bangalore meet and much more.

Finally, Jeepers gave a grand send off to Mr Chandramouli with a perfect Jeep Wave, which was not just a wave of the wrist, but also with the Jeeps getting together and forming a perfect V.


Happy Jeepin

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