Midnight Meet @ Willys Top Cafe, Bangalore

Jeepers from BJC had a get-together with a short notice as usual – to witness the thrilling Brazil-Belgium FIFA at the distinguished JEEP Themed Cafe in Jayanagar, Bangalore.

The Cafe owned by a Jeep enthusiast hosted an exclusive seating only for Jeepers – an after closing hours service upon our request.  We were whole heartedly welcomed by Mr. Aadesh the owner of this joint, who was equally thrilled to serve us late night for being from Bangalore Jeep Club.

The Cafe was designed with every details around the corner associated to the parts of JEEP. The swing seatings, benches resembling the rear seating of Willys, chairs with shock absorbers, bar stools from the tyre rims and the most highlighted one at the wash room – the wash basin made of inverted Engine / Gear Box with a steering tap, the mirror housed on the collapsible wind screen of JEEP Willys are a few to name… believe it or not there are much more to dig out.

The signature dishes served was uncommon and juicy with few cold coffee / mocktails. And obviously the mildest of the Hookas perfectly blended with flavours again recommended by them.

A little disheartening performance from our favorite team was atoned by the ambience of the Cafe and Jeepers sharing their experiences.

Jeepers departed post match with a heartfelt thanks to the Cafe for their warm hospitality beyond service hours and looking forward for the next meet / trails.

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